Kelly Ward
Director of the Academic Center for Excellence
130A University Center
319-363-1323 x1204
Mount Mercy University is committed to equal educational opportunity for all students. Disability reflects diverse characteristics and experiences and is an aspect of diversity integral to society. To that end, we collaborate with students, instructors, staff, and community members to create diverse learning environments that are accessible, equitable, inclusive and sustainable. Disability Services are coordinated through the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) to help assure individual support, technology assistance, alternative testing or other accommodations as appropriate.
According to The Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended) and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (as amended), “a qualified student with a disability” is defined as a student who:
A community in which this universal charity reigns, is capable of surmounting all difficulties.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended) and Section 504 Rehabilitation Act (as amended) provide guidelines for reasonable accommodations in higher education.
If you have used accommodations in the past (such as with an IEP or 504 plan) or think you may have a physical or mental disability, you may be eligible for accommodations or services. To begin the process of requesting disability services and accommodations, contact Mount Mercy University’s Disability Services Coordinator, 319-363-1323 x1204 to request an accommodation planning meeting.
The Disability Services Coordinator meets with students and reviews documentation to determine eligibility for services. Together, we discuss academic needs, reasonable accommodations and the process for working with instructors and university support systems. The need for specific documentation varies and will be determined during the initial discussion with the Disability Services Coordinator. Disability documents and accommodation plan records do not become part of a student’s academic or administrative records.
Do not delay the eligibility application process out of concern for obtaining appropriate documentation paperwork. Temporary accommodation plans may be initiated during the documentation verification process.
Appropriate and proper documentation is required to determine eligibility for disability-related accommodations at Mount Mercy University. Disability documentation should include the following:
Mount Mercy University accepts the following types of disability documentation:
A Mount Mercy University student with an identified disability has the right to:
A Mount Mercy University student with an identified disability has the responsibility to:
It takes an open minded individual to look beyond disability, and see that ability has so much more to offer than the limitations society tries to place upon them.
Creation and dissemination of knowledge is a defining characteristic of a university, fundamental to Mount Mercy University and our mission for learning. Using electronic delivery of such information is central to our mission. MMU strives to provide equal opportunity in all educational and administrative services, programs, and activities. Facilitating equal and effective access is the responsibility of all university staff and faculty.
It is the policy of MMU to make information technology resources and services, programs, services, and events reasonably accessible to all MMU students, faculty, staff and the general public. This includes all instructional or informative materials as well as the technology products that deliver the programs.