
  • PhD University of Florida
  • MA University of Florida
  • BAS Universidad Central de Venezuela


Belkis Suárez holds a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures (Spanish American Literature) from the University of Florida.

Suárez also holds a Master of Arts in Latin American Studies with a concentration in sociology from the same university. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Suárez has considerable teaching and research experience, most notably at the University of Florida, where she taught Beginning Spanish I and II, Accelerated Spanish II, Intermediate Spanish I and II, Intensive Communications Skills, Grammar and Composition and Survey of Contemporary Latin American Literature. Her dissertation studies the representation of cities through the discourse of violence in three urban spaces: Medellín, Caracas and Rio de Janeiro. Also, she has published articles on film and violence in Venezuela as well as on the city and violence in Fernando Vallejo's literary work.

Suárez is a member of the Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Latin American Studies Association (LASA), South Eastern Council on Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), and Latina Women's League of Gainesville, Fla.