
All-State Choral Workshop

August 4 - 6
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Join us on August 4-6 as we host an All-State Choral Workshop for high school students.  

The All-State Workshop is open to all high school students interested in preparing the Iowa All-State Choral repertoire. Mount Mercy’s Director of Music Activities Dr. Gerry Kreitzer and distinguished clinicians Carol Tralau, Allen Chapman, Duane Philgreen, Bob Anderson, Amy Farley and Robert Williams, will assist the singers in learning notes, rhythms and texts for each piece. They will also offer coaching in the expression and style of each piece, and offer helpful approaches and demonstrations of the audition process. 

A track of each piece with voice part highlighted will be made available to each participant and director on the All-State web page.

Singers must purchase or secure from their high school choral director their own all-state music packet to bring with them. Packets may be purchased beginning July 26.

  • August 4-5 | 8:00 AM–12:00 PM; 1:00-4:30 PM
  • August 6 | 8:00 AM–1:00 PM

Two lunches (August 4-5) plus morning and afternoon snacks will be provided. 

Registration Information

  • Registration fee is $95, which includes sessions, lunches and snacks, and a T-shirt.
  • Registration can be done online, or please complete and return the downloadable form

 Thank you for your consideration and support of this event!
