Melanie Giesler-Spellman '01
Pre-Medicine Program
Stitching Success
After Melanie Geisler-Spellman ’01 was awarded the Holland Presidential Scholarship—covering full tuition—to attend Mount Mercy, she was confronted with opportunities she didn’t know she would get to choose from.
Giesler-Spellman majored in biology and minored in psychology. During her time at Mount Mercy, she worked at Mercy Medical Center and performed research for Mayo Clinic during J-Term (a three-week allotment for MMU students to take classes, travel, research, or take time off).
“I am not sure I would have gone on to medical school if I had gone to a large school for undergrad,” Giesler-Spellman said. "Mount Mercy helped me realize that medicine was the career field I wanted to pursue, but at the time I never guessed what my specialty would be."
Mount Mercy helped me realize that medicine was the career field I wanted to pursue, but at the time I never guessed what my specialty would be.
After graduation, she went on to earn a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Des Moines University in 2005. Giesler-Spellman was the first female to complete an Otolaryngology residency through Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Giesler-Spellman now works as an Otlolaryngolgist—a physician trained in the treatment of patients with diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and related structures of the head and neck. She currently practices at Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa, P.C. and is a member of the Board of Trustees here at Mount Mercy.
She attributes her success to “hard work, a little luck, and God’s calling and grace.”
Giesler-Spellman finds the encouragement, acceptance, and support from her peers, teachers, and school staff to have been one of the most impactful aspects of a Mercy education.
“I learned I have a tremendous support system from family, friends, and faculty, including Dr. Neil Bernstein,” she said.
Anytime the family of a patient expresses gratitude, Giesler-Spellman appreciates her work even more.
“Find friends and teachers who make you better, make you smarter, make you work harder," said Giesler-Spellman. "Find friends and teachers who support you, that make you laugh, and make you a better person. Then give that in return and don’t ever stop doing it!"
Find friends and teachers who support you, that make you laugh, and make you a better person. Then give that in return and don’t ever stop doing it!