Ashley Kerslake '19
Pre-Dentistry Program
Balancing Act
Through the tough classes and busy schedules, Ashley Kerslake ’19 persisted to complete her pre-dental program at Mount Mercy.
“One thing I really liked about Mount Mercy is that they have a holistic approach in their curriculum,” Ashley said about why she chose to attend Mount Mercy. “It definitely helps students to be well-rounded and gives them a chance to experience other departments of education.”
“It definitely helps students to be well-rounded and gives them a chance to experience other departments of education.”
Kerslake’s mom, a 2003 alumnae encouraged her to attend MMU after meeting with Head Softball Coach Larry Yoder.
“I was already pretty convinced that Mount Mercy was where I wanted to go when I met with Coach Yoder,” she said. “Finding out I would get to continue playing softball at the university level really sealed the deal.”
Kerslake was surprised by the amount of individual attention professors could commit to students, a factor of Mount Mercy’s 15:1 student to faculty ratio.
“My professors have really pushed me and helped me transform into the student I am now. I have taken the initiative and have invested myself into my education," said Kerslake. "I can’t stress enough how helpful the professors have been at pointing me in the right direction, preparing me for my future, and helping me make connections."
I can’t stress enough how helpful the professors have been at pointing me in the right direction, preparing me for my future, and helping me make connections.
Her professors also pushed Kerslake to gain experience beyond the classroom. She joined the Science Club, which includes graduate program visits and community outreach opportunities. Kerslake was also able to shadow a local dentist, take part in faculty-student research, and the University of Iowa’s summer pre-dental academy. She even earned a summer internship with an endodontist just blocks from campus.
“The people you meet here will push you and support you,” said Kerslake. “The classes in the biology program are tough, but when grades go in at the end of the semester it is very rewarding knowing you worked extremely hard for those results. I can confidently tell you that the professors here want to see you succeed as much as you want to succeed.”