Hon. Kim Smith '00
District Associate Judge | State of Iowa Judicial Branch
Criminal Justice, English
Paving the Way
Kim (Rodgers) Smith ’00 came to Mount Mercy University with a goal of becoming a lawyer. She made her dream come true and was even appointed as a District Associate Judge.
After many trips to court at a young age with her court attendant great-grandmother, Kim declared that she wanted to be a lawyer. In reply, her great-grandmother told her, “No boy will ever want to marry you if you become a lawyer.”
Despite this warning, Kim was determined to become lawyer. She started working at law firms in high school.
“I always liked the work they do,” Kim said about lawyers. “I like that they can help people, they seem intelligent and well spoken, and they can communicate well. They were just people I admired.”
I always liked the work they do. I like that they can help people, they seem intelligent and well spoken, and they can communicate well. They were just people I admired.
When it came time for college, Kim felt comfortable at Mount Mercy University. She was very familiar with the Sisters of Mercy growing up in an Irish Catholic family. She admired the work of the Sisters and their mission, which made Mount Mercy a great fit.
Kim originally majored in English. Her Introduction to Criminal Justice class intrigued her to dive deeper into the subject.
“It incorporated all the social justice issues I was interested in, and I knew I wanted to go to law school, so I changed my major,” said Kim.
Kim felt that her criminal justice courses were preparing her for her future education and career.
“A lot of what we talked about was stuff I knew I would use when I went to law school,” said Kim.
When Kim wasn’t in class or studying, she kept busy. She was in choir, an RA, a MA2P board member, in drama club, started a Mount Mercy Mock Trial Program, participated in every intermural sport, and worked for the Development & Alumni Office for four years.
“If it was at Mount Mercy, I did it,” shared Kim. “Being involved helped me invest in campus and make lifelong friends,” shared Kim.
“If it was at Mount Mercy, I did it. Being involved helped me invest in campus and make lifelong friends.”
– Hon. Kim Smith '00, District Associate Judge | State of Iowa Judicial Branch
After graduating, Kim continued to be dedicated to her Mustang Community. Her work in the alumni office showed her the importance of staying connected to your alma matter. This inspired her to join the Mount Mercy Alumni Board. Her time on the board has kept her close to campus and her friend Catherine (Metz) O’Connell ’00 who also serves on the board.
“It’s nice to come back and see how much investment has been made on campus,” said Kim.
Kim has always felt supported by her community on the Hill. Her professors, Dr. Mary Vermillion and Deb Brydon, made a particular impact on Kim’s life both at Mount Mercy and beyond.
“All those people showing confidence in me and talking to me about my career goals gave me the confidence I needed to apply to law school,” said Kim.
While law school was extremely challenging, Kim felt that the reading and interpretation skills she built at Mount Mercy helped her succeed.
“I was as prepared as one can be the first year of law school,” shared Kim. “The transition was somewhat flawless.”
Kim graduated from Drake University Law School in 2003. Then she fulfilled the dream she had shared with her great-grandmother when she was young—she began her career as a lawyer.
One of the reasons Kim was drawn to law from a young age is the opportunity it presents to help people. This is what made her interested in working in public law.
“Law is a helping profession,” said Kim. “There are people that need the help more, and that’s people who don’t have a lot of money or power in society.”
Kim served as an Assistant Public Defender for 13 years. She practiced criminal defense and became an experienced trial lawyer.
In 2020, Kim was appointed to the district associate bench as a criminal judge. Her appointment was a life-changing moment.
“I worked really hard for a long time to get it,” shared Kim. “It felt incredible to achieve, it’s so rare in adulthood that you get other people to acknowledge what you’re good at.”
At her investiture, Kim reflected on the work of Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy. While the Sisters are mainly known for their work in nursing and education, Kim emulates their mission in her own career.
“The Sisters of Mercy are a great example of people that serve the poor, and that’s what I do,” said Kim.
Kim ended her investiture speech with a quote from Catherine McAuley, “Resolve to do good today and better tomorrow.”
The Sisters of Mercy are a great example of people that serve the poor, and that’s what I do.